Sunday, October 7, 2012

How To Marketing Communications

How To Marketing Communications
The presence of the print and electronic media has led to an attitude of seriousness for entrepreneurs, to always improve the quality of the product; pemasran communication strategy (marketing communition) to avoid losses caused by the company promosi.yang efisen not be included as part of the concept of the marketing communications mix (marketing communication mix).The marketing is defined as "the process by roomates Asocietal individual and group, it can be said that the process of forming the relationship between communication menyanpaikan induvidu or group in the types of products; goods and services.
The Heart of Marketing Communications
Marketing Communications discusses some of the problems that have close links with communication in marketing, marketing communications subject studies discussion, among others

Communication Strategy
Potential Segmentation
Media Planning
Creative messaging and Visual
Cost of Communication and Advertising Spending
Marketing Communications Research
Future Business Concept
Marketing Communications Planning Process
Marketing communications can be identified as follows:

Identifying the market and the needs of the consumers or consumer perception.
describe and operationalize destination image or perception of the target group.
Mengvaluasikan yamh number of behaviors depicted are believed to reach the goal.
Strategies to promote a product or company is pembangunanatribut strategy and continue to be recognized by consumers.
Analysts Situation, Tactics, and Strategies
Companies that memikili he or strategic concept, enabling the perusaahn survive in the increasingly keras.Perusahan kerangak and who do not have a backup strategy in the face of competitors threatening naru will precisely position their existing products.
Another goal of the analyst situations, techniques and strategies in marketing communications is to obtain from the consumer (as a primary source). Wherein pespon is a first step the company to be positive.
Curious Communications Planning
Communications planning in communication mendasr pemasran is an important guide to shape us in formulating a strategic plan based on the view of marketing communications. Planning may be more important than a document that we have. The planning and execution of advertising memilikinilai little if we do not keep in front of consumers.
Marketing In The Information Age.
Current conditions put us into a competition between the two paradigms which attract each other, ie industeri disnis era and the era of business information.
There are seven basic aspects that must be achieved by business organizations in order to bartahan in a tight competition today:

Consumers are on target
The creation of the best quality products with the latest technology company
The existence diferentasi products offered by competitors.
Positioning the product and the company as a market mover.
Kacapatan the penetration pasr (local and long distance)
Sumbrt human resources with the highest quality and are able to work as a team
Tation beradap mamapu interests in a constant state of change
Companies that possess all seven aspects can be classified to the company that has the ability to survive during this time.
Support Media (Media Support)
Support media (media support) are always associated with keberhasialan business opportunities, costs and audience.dukungan media can also be referred to as alternative media, the media can not be measured and is a non-traditional media. Support media include:

Out Of Home Media
Promotional Product Marketing
Yellow Pages
Produt Placement
Inflight Adertising and
Miscellaneous Media.
Publicity and Corporate Advertising
Publicity (publicity) is a technique often used in program publicity relations, because it is able to reach public opinion to support the product / services as well as establish a perceived quality in the minds of consumers.
To promote special products that can generate confidence in the product, and strengthen imagenilai of a product to the customer is the dasrnya khusus.publicity itself a development of the concept of news, namely: 5 W +1 H (Who, What, Where, Why, What, and How) only in marketing are different. 5W news writing briefly described in the publicity tends kompeleks and are served more detail.
Direct Marketing
Diret Marketing is: part of a communication program pemasran. Market can not be achieved if we only use one method or medium alone. Masssa media presence in industeri fulfill necessary to obtain the opportunity to achieve maximum market targert besarnya.dan reach targets inaccessible through methods or teknuk markering.
Personnel Selling
Personnel are selling: improvisiasi of sales by using a person to person communication communicatiom.Dalam marketing communication, personal selling is an important partner and can not be digantiakn with other promotional elements.
Human life can not be separated from the scope of communication, humans as social beings, then the communication is not only as a means of contact with the relationship between the individual, but also a tool of communication for humans to survive hidup.komunikasi have the power to make the selection of the various stimuli that exist around them, which will be selected stimuli and stimuli can provide powerful stimuli labih.
Forms of Communication
Pemasran communication mix include:

Sales Promotion
Personal selling and
Direct Selling
In the communication is divided into three sections: Mass, Group, and Personal. Respectively kimunikasi within the scope of the mass has been found not to know each karekteritis personal lainnya.sedangkan adalh: personal communication from one person directly and interact with komunikasi.komunikasi divided into two parts:

Mass communication
Communication kekompok
Forms of Media Communication
Inter-personal Communications Media
The development of information and communication technology has led to the type of communication media mempu interact personally or kelompol.komunikasi can melakuakanpenelusuran variety of interesting information.
The purpose of Communication
Changes in Knowledge
Every action we lakuakan diasdari or unconsciously have a specific purpose in the epidermis of the desire to obtain satisfaction wanting segeran achieved immediately.
The human brain works and develops appropriate stimuli (stimuli) from the outside that is connected to the needs that exist in knowledge seseorang.pentingnya changes in communication strategy at an early stage is a positive step from a presesuntuk changing consumer knowledge Consumer intended to change the knowledge in question is:

Initiating a new discovery.
Mengiformasikan new way to make ends meet.
Describing bagimana satisfaction can be met.
Destination Marketing Communications
Marketing communication aims to achieve three stages of change indicated kapada first konsumen.tahap to be achieved from the marketing communications strategy is tapan khowledge change (knowledge), this change consumers know the existence of a product, the second stage is the change in consumer behavior attitude change attitude This is determined by three elements mentioned by Sciffman and Kanuk showed that stage of change is determined attitude and conation (behavior), if the three components showed a trend towards a change (cognitive, affective, and conative)
Konsemen Indonesia eraser when changed slightly with sedit towards sebuh stage called "social knowledge" is more dangerous designer eraser ad-intentioned act stupid fooling konsumen.perlu realized that this ethical boundary limits actually did not intend to limit creativity, ideas, innovation and the banking motivate higher ad creativity and memantu the kteatif to give an advertisement.
Potential Segmentation
A product created to meet a need or may appoint a desire to be a necessity baru.Beberapa company, a failure when setting the strategy of market segmentation, which is caused by the absence of a strong relationship between the products offered by the target product (consumers).
Phase Event Marketing Communications
Phases of marketing communications activities is an important benchmark in developing promotional strategies, the three stages of communication markering namely:

First: market segmentation
Second: define segmentation (one or more) to the product specifications or other forms of promotion.
Third: Determine the position of the product as the product is capable of satisfactory suatau consumers in a different way (diferensasi) than competitors that is realized in the form of a special message.
Market segmentation is a market linked to the developer through a different way of satisfaction, marketing communications skills in the division segmentation affect media has gained some kedekatan.segmentasi assumptions mementukan penting.khususnya in the form of strong stimulation.
Sciffman and Knuk share marketing communications in a variety of segments, as follows:

Relationship Between Assumptions Communication Needs, Wants, and Demand.
Need (keburuhan)
Needs, Maslow hierarchy kebituhan mention that consists of five levels starting from the most important needs, ie: physical needs such as food, drink, clothing and shelter, needs continued to be met segara.kebutuhan yangbterdiri of the need for security, bersosalisasi, self-respect, and love, to the needs of the latter are: akualisasi themselves.
Wants (desire)
Wants are: a requirement which is used as a reference for konsumen.karena product having an equivalent replacement product, for example: Indonesia rice is the way people resolve hunger and the need for Americans to eat burgers to finish feeling hungry and away, because the Americans and the people of Indonesia, the Burgers can be dijadiaknan completion tools hungry feeling.
Demand (Request)
The purchasing power turns out the end part of a marketing strategy, mampun didapakan a very strong product, but if it is not backed purchasing power, such as product dreamily, this should have been considered by the company.
Theories of Media
Harlod D.Laswell said that a good way to describe the communication is to answer the question who says what, in roomates channel to Whom, whit what effect, and in which, channel, shows a communication activities using the communication channels of the communication process primary communicator and communicant forward immediately without being interrupted by other objects or without the media, and the effect of the communication can be obtained directly.
Non Communications Media
Non-media communication is communication activities carried on by personal selling is the sales to consumers face-to-muka.komunikasi common non-media communication is a process that takes place in the primary communicator with the face-to-face marketing konumikasi komunikakan.dalam be observed which is sejuuh This primary communication effect directly or indirectly to the purpose of markerting.
Mediated communication
Mediated communication within the scope of marketing communications as mentioned before it that the media is divided into two types of media are the media and media grouping nirmassa.kegiata komuniksai split into three parts addressed to the masses, and personal groups, namely:

Mass media: which is then divided into electronic media and print media
Media Group, and
Media Inter-personal
Karakteritis Media

Mesia mass
Electronic Media


Print Media
Media Out of Home
Media Communications Group
Personal Communication Media
Support Campaign Costs
Relation to the cost efficiency of marketing communication that must dperhatikan, if only marketing communications plan focused on the priority of the use of media as a promotional suggestion utama.perencanaan a marketing communication activities should disesuakan with kemampun financing and marketing communications disediakan.anggaran Anggran that will determine what will be expensed saj segmentation, which will be addressed.
Marketing Information System (MIS) Data Base
Another source of information for a manaer berguana in planning activities and Biata refers to marketing information system (MSI) causes problems turunyan sales caused by internal factors, accessibility, quality, product, and competitor companies.
Sales Report, is an important data that must be processed by suatau comparison kegitan kimunikasi dilakuakan marketing before.
Definition Of Brand
Brand can we call the labeling, the brand has the power to shape the brand penjualan.istilah arise when products are increasingly keen competition led to the need for reinforcements labek role to classify the products and services that have her in one.
Brand and Myth gratification
Not all famous brands dominate the market mamapu negari outside Indonesia, especially in Indonesia that eraser memikili product labels in foreign languages ​​with the words MADE IN ..... always regarded brands that can provide a guarantee of satisfaction with the product complex reasons and carefully so that memberiakan better results and more powerful.
Brand Management

Brand Campaign
Brand Recognition
Brand Preference
Brand insistance
Lovely Brand / Brand Satift.
Creativity and visual messages
Marketing Communications Applications
By using the core media that (below the line) and the line (above the line) is determined by the strategy and visual messages that are served. Purpose of promotion indicated for:

Awareness, an awareness of the existence of a new product or service.
Khowledge, provide needed information on pengguanaan a product or service.
Likeability, foster the unity of the appearance of a message
The process of communication messages in the eighth penyanpaian promotional purposes is divided into three stages attitude change, namely:

Conative (awareness and knowledge)
Attitude (likeability, beriveing, and image)
Cognitive (motivation, remembering, and loyality)
The existence of a product or service and also the function of a product / service change of attitude is shown to change its attitude.
Stimulation Message
Stimulation of the message is divided into several characters, namely:

Like or Dislike
Absolute Threshold and Threshold Differentisl (JND)
Perceptual Selection
Attention Consumer Strategy and Consumer Perceptions Toward Ad Serving
As said earlier that an effective advertising has the greatest likelihood of a buyout occurs, stimulation is planned to conduct the review and selection of the various forms of advertising such as:

Verbal and non-verbal messages
Language in Advertising
Soun Effects and Visual Effects
Generating technique Consumer Motivikasi
Symbols in Visual Communication colors
In some cases, a product or a brand diasosiasiakn into the contract specifications in kerangak connotation color preference individi / pribadi.maka not be surprised if the color will vary from group to group sat lainnya.namun characteristic also provides hope for the emergence of prosperity or abundance . negitu many individual's perception of color associations led to the use of color in the visual element is important.
Communication Costs
In the business activities of economic activity known as the concept operasioanal costs (opportunity cost). Draft makes it clear that there is more than one use or the use of corporate resources.
Resources owned by the company include: money (money), man (man), Traffic management (managerial skills), and time (time). Meaning when used for resource Unang x activities (promotion, for example) then the money actually DAPT dimafaatkan tersebtu not only shown for promotional activities only.
The core of the concept of cost opportunitas adalh optimum utilization, effective and efficient use of all resources of the company.
Determination Strategy Marketing Communications Budget
Types of Budget
In determining the promotional budget, some items that should be available are:

Quality Control
Campaign Strategy
Advertising campaigns Planning
Purpose of delivering a message to the campaign strategies in marketing communications is to provide information on new performance, new service, new product information and benefit.penyampaian message is expected to change public knowledge and reference point to the product and the company.
Marketing Research Planning For Dasara Of Marketing Communications
A large companies usually have the department that handles research marketing.mereka duty to obtain some important information needed such as market research that includes information about the importance of consumers to the product,
Research in Marketing Communications
Planning research in marketing communications ditujikan to give you an idea about something or a projection or forecast of the occurrence of a change of which will appear on an upcoming mass. In marketing communications, research needed research are divided into four groups, namely:

Behavior Research
Media Research
Efektifikasi Advertising Research, and
Competitive Research
Competitive Brand Positioning Strategy Intellignt
The function of intelligence is to assess the strength and power ekstetnal competitors in order to convey the circumstances and conditions the company faces in the future is the creation pontensi hari.strategi message can both benefit period (igon anshoff) the importance of competitive intelligence is to establish communication pemasran to analyze the development of the existing business environment around.
Direct Selling Activity Monitoring and Event Management
Monitoring Activity Promotion
When the manager, communications pemasran, required to conduct monitoring of the various promotional activities that have been implemented. Monitoring direct selling especially in the use of personal communication media (marketing kits) ditunjikan to obtain information from salesengenai constraints in explaining the product to the consumer or is there some information required by the decision of some masalh konsumen.pengambilan encountered, usually provided by the budget 10% to 20% to cope with various problems or constraints, company or by competitors, and if the budget reserve funds are not available or not teranggarakan, this can not be denied that the company bias occurs ka [pan only, ie fatal ketidaktanggapan berakibatkan managers lose some market share.
Campaign Against Impact of Market Development
Penciptan market development strategies and market opportunities that require little thought berbeda.Konsemen very interested in the price and quality of opportunities barang.sterategi creator pasr a different strategy. Behind the interrelationship between komuniksai Marketing and Relationship Marketing
The need for the application of the concept of relationship marketing, combined with the concept of marketing communication pemposisian shown to strengthen the company and its products / services that are owned by companies with marketing groups bisnis.Relationship Commucation can only run smoothly if the product standarilasi, behavior and atmosphere in a corporate environment is better . to build the highest position in the market, the first: the company must membanguan strong relationship, they both should benefit from industeri infastruktur where the key is the people and companies that have made industeri it becomes more powerful.
The purpose of relationship marketing is to build a strong market infrastructure, building ambience keakrapan and broader relations, menstransfer knowledge of the product and the company (positioning a product and corporate), marketing is more simpler (simple) to facilitate distribution, efficient, konsentarasi and more effective marketing.
Public Relations (Public Relations)
Every individual has needs and wants, to fulfill needs an interaction, and this interaction was met by a variety of interests that may berbeda.jika this applies to the relationship between two individuals, the consequences that result (both positive and negative) effect on the two individuals and if This relationship applies to an individual with an organization or between organizations dihasilakn the consequences will affect other individuals.
Publicity Support Toward Strengthening Brand Image
Publicity (publicity) is owned by a communication tool for the public relations profession inception profession of public relations profession initiated by dropping publicity.untuk profile from competing products that may unwittingly mengiring other consumers to abandon produkpesaing and switch to products which we belong.

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